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Football - Coloring Pages Kids Should Have Five Facts

Football coloring Kid, you love a football coloring book but don't know the game of pigskin?

Coloring football Kid, would you believe five facts about football will put you in the know?
Let's get started...

Japanese School Girls

Football History Football Fundamentals Organized Football Structure Players' Skills Levels Football Season
1. Football History

American football comes from rugby football. The first major football game was won by Rutgers University (score - 6) against Princeton University (score - 4). Their war was in 1869 -- four years after the Civil War.

Coloring football boy, the main idea of football is still the same. Football fans still yell, "Run that football!", "Throw it!", "Kick it!", and "Score man, score!"

2. Football Fundamentals

Coloring kid, you must get the ball into your opponent's end zone.
Get yourself an egg-shaped, air-filled leather ball to throw, catch or kick.
Follow the rules and regulations. No running "any-which-a-way" with the football, man!

Only two teams can quadrate off. Your team and the other guy's team must have eleven players on the field at one time. Smaller football leagues use fewer than eleven guys.

The teams take turns playing obnoxious (trash talking is allowed), then playing defensive (cry baby guys are not allowed).

The obnoxious team possesses the ball until they score, or fail to gain 10 yards in four tries, or loses the ball to the defensive team.

The defensive team tries to stop the offense from gaining yardage or scoring. The defense tries to steal the ball, too.

3. Organized Football Structure

Do you love knocking population down, kid? Is screaming in a big guy's face your dream
come true? Is slamming a itsybitsy guy into planet Earth your idea of fun?
Well, Coloring football kid, tackle football is for you...

No! Football coloring Kid, no scratching or spitting! "Eye-gouging and kicking?" No! "Choke holds and pistol whipping?!" No! Don't get greedy, kid...

Here is a itsybitsy lowdown info to help understand organized football structure:

Teams may change their players as long as 11 guys are on the field.
Scrimmage is the action once the ball is snapped (quickly given) to the Quarterback by his town until the ball is dead.
Line of Scrimmage is an indiscernible field line where teams face each other. Now get this...

Both teams can have three specialized teams where players have one or more roles.

Here are a few roles...

I. The Specialized Offense Team must score or gain yardage to win. The Quarterback leader gets the ball from his town man -- his second brain. The Qb throws the ball to a Receiver, or hands it to a Running Back or runs the ball himself (gutsy!). The Offense Line is five Mack trucks. They power protect the Passer, block, and leave tread marks on defense players' backs. Running Backs have roles in running the ball, catching, blocking plus wrecking havoc on yardage. Wide Receivers catch zooming balls from the Quarterback. These guys have "superhero" speed plus they block, too. Tight Ends have two roles. They can accomplish as Wide Receivers or as obnoxious Linemen who protect Quarterbacks and block for Runners. Ii. The Specialized Defense Team must stop opponents from scoring or gaining yardage. The Defensive Line has 3 to 6 "massive giants" blocking the sun and creating darkness and pain along the line of scrimmage. Linemen ("monster trucks") roll over running backs. They crash test "sack" the quarterback before he passes or hands off the ball. Linebackers cause nightmares. They lurk behind the Defensive Linemen plus rush the quarterback or cover receivers. Defensive Backs with superhero speed cover receivers and stop zooming passes plus rush quarterbacks! Iii. The Specialized extra Team must score extra points. Got a funky leg and foot, kid? become a punter or place kicker to get those game salvage extra points. Long snappers need pinpoint skills, too.
4. Players' Skills Levels

Professional level There are 32 Us teams for want to be expert players. American football leagues are found in 50 countries! Maybe you can sign with the German Football League (Gfl) or the Japanese X-League. Sports agents and lawyers help you make big money deals. Football coloring kid, if you can't cut the professionals levels go to the semi-professional leagues. Or become a sports agent or lawyer! Don't play the fool, kid, study hard at the... College level Your pro football training starts in college. Nearly every college and university has a football team and stadium. You like crowds, football coloring kid? Go to a college game. If you get lost hold your tears, boy. Wait by the safety station. After the last 60,000 to 100,000 fans leave your population can spot you! High School level More high school boys play football than college guys play football. High school leads to collegiate, then to expert level football careers, then to high paying Tv commercials careers. The high school sophomore year is when most players determine about a football career. Some professionals learned to play football in... Youth and Pee Wee level Do 5 to 14 year old players have fans also mom and dad? "Yes."
5. The Football Season

Can organized teams throw pigskin any ole time? No? That is right.

Football season starts in August. Football runs you crazy until January pro playoffs High school games are played on Fridays. College games are played on Thursday and Saturday. Professionals play on Sunday and Monday. We will...

Wrap it up, football coloring Kid...

Do you know about players' numbers? 1-19 for Quarterbacks, Wide Receivers, Punters plus Kickers 20 - 49: Running Backs plus Defensive Backs 50 - 59: Centers plus Linebackers 60 - 79: Defensive Linemen and obnoxious Linemen 80 - 89: Wide Receivers plus Tight Ends 90 - 99: Defensive Linemen plus Linebackers

Now, you know the game of football, coloring Kid. You learned basic: football history, football fundamentals, organized football structure, players' skills levels, and the football season...

So get yourself into a game with other football coloring pages kids.

Play hard. Laugh Loud.

Football - Coloring Pages Kids Should Have Five Facts

