วันอังคารที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Real Self-Defense Begins in the Mind

Part of my background has been in teaching self defense skills. I hear about the many habitancy who have been attacked and had no comprehension of what it took, not only to survive and attack, but to defeat the attacker. In 2008, a adolescent girl was walking to school when she was attacked by a concentrate of thugs. Her brother apparently taught her a few uncomplicated skills in self-defense, which she used. She was a member of her school's marching band. She led the band as the baton holder. Well she was able to take out her baton and use as a weapon. Both of the bad guys were hurt after she attacked the attackers.

I'm not here to talk specifically about the corporeal skills that you will need if you are suddenly attacked. I'm here to teach you other aspect concerning self defense. That part is one of awareness. While many school of self defense will teach techniques, it is your mindset that is more important.

Japanese School Girls

Being aware of what is going on nearby you will help to stop an assault from occurring in the first place. By being aware, you will observation things before they happen. If a potential attacker is nearby, you can just go in other direction. Additionally, muggers will normally avoid habitancy who are aware of them. They want the easy targets.

Awareness will prepare you if you are unexpectedly attacked. You will already have the mindset industrialized to assault the attacker. That is what's leading anytime you become a victim of an attack. Do whatever it takes to stop it right there. Never, ever let any bad guy take you to other area. Don't let a kidnapping happen. According to Sanford Strong in his book, Strong on Defense, it is at crime scene #2 where the undoubtedly bad stuff will happen, along with murder.

You have to be mentally prepared to cope any situation. I mentioned earlier about becoming a victim of a crime, right? Well that's only for police reports. You should never have that mindset. Never let yourself become a victim, instead become a predator that attacks the attacker. One of the things I taught in my self-defense classes is to fantasize that you are a wolverine. If you are backed into a corner or attacked, then spring transmit using all your muscle, strength, and meanness and assault the attacker. It starts in the mind. It works along the same principle as when a child is trapped under a car and its mom suddenly finds the drive to lift it off her child, even though she may only weigh 120 pounds.

That mom used the power from her fear that created adrenaline to be released which caused her heart to beat extremely fast. The heart sent most of the mother's blood to her legs and arms, giving her superhuman-like strength. You have the same thing that happens when being attacked. You just need to use your mind to focus that drive and power against the bad guy that attacked you. In the martial arts, there is a technique known as a 'kiai' or battle cry. In the Japanese arts they specifically train in kiaijutsu, which is the art of the battle cry.

Doing a kiai will help focus an "adrenaline rush" that occurs against an attacker.

Finally, keep yourself physically fit. By being fit, your mind will work much good and you'll survive and even thrive against a criminal attack.

Real Self-Defense Begins in the Mind

