If you're curious in dating beautiful Asian women, join the club. But one thing you need to first understand is that there are dozens of distinct Asian ethnic groups -- Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean Girls and Thai, just to name a few. And there are some subtle (but important!) differences in the middle of these distinct types of Asian women.
Knowing these differences can mean the divergence in the middle of blowing your chance, and landing the beautiful Asian woman of your dreams!
Japanese School Girls
In this report I want to focus on Japanese women. The "stereotypical" Japanese woman is soft-spoken, timid and subservient. Her main priority is serving and pleasing her man.
That's the stereotype. Now let's talk about how Japanese girls categorically are. The "soft spoken" part may be true when you're in public with her. It's not in a Japanese woman's nature to confront or consider with you in front of others. They would find this deeply embarrassing.
Behind done doors, however, you will categorically know it if your Japanese girlfriend is upset about something. So don't think for a occasion that Japanese women are weak and submissive. They can be very strong-willed.
However, they Do expect you, as the man, to be the decision-maker in the relationship. This is one of the fundamentals of dating Japanese women.
This attitude is distinct from what most Western guys have been conditioned to believe. They think they're being diplomatic by always deferring to women and request for their opinions on everything. "Are you free to hang out this weekend?" "What are you in the mood to eat tonight?" "What do you feel like doing?" Etc.
When you're dealing with Japanese women, you've got lay out the plan. This is what she expects of the man in her life. So, when request a Japanese girl out, be specific about the plans: the day of the week, the time, and the place where you want to bring her.
When the midpoint guy tries to ask a girl out, it ordinarily sounds something like this...
"If you're not busy this weekend, maybe we could, um, hang out and do something..."
This will ordinarily backfire with Japanese women. They are practical people. They want data that they can base their decision on. By trying to ask her out in that vague manner, all you're doing is confusing her. Are you suggesting that you want to meet her on Saturday, or Sunday? In the daytime or in the evening? Where do you want to take her? How should she prepare and should she dress casually, or formally?
By request her out in a vague, wishy-washy manner, you're only going to confuse her and turn her off.
(It's also foremost for to "be the leader" when it's time to seduce her! She won't make the first move. But if you've gotten her attracted to you, when you do make the first move you may be pleasantly surprised at how eager she is for sex.)
Another tip: Being on time is very foremost to Japanese women. Japan must be the most organized, productive society in the world. When you walk around Japan, you will see how obsessed they are with punctuality. Train and bus departure times, Tv show listings, and other events are scheduled right down to the exact minute. When you ask a Japanese man for the time, they won't round off the number and say "seven-thirty" -- they'll tell you it's 7:27. And in Japan, if you arrive even one petite late for work, you'll need to fill out a "Late Form" that gets submitted to the boss.
So, there is no such thing as "fashionably late" in their culture. It's not like in America, where women think nothing of showing up to meet you 15 or 20 minutes late. Arrive late to a date with a Japanese girl, and she'll think that you don't care about her and don't respect her.
A few other things to know about Japanese girls:
Japanese society is based on conformity.
A beloved expression in Japan is, "The nail that sticks up gets hammered down." In other words, citizen who don't conform to the "correct" standards of society -- whether it's the way they dress, the grades they get at school, or how they achieve at work -- will face a lot of pressure and public difficulties. Sure, Japan has its share of rebels, but the vast majority of the citizen spend their lives doing what they can to fit in and go with the status quo.
When students in Japan enter junior high school (or even elementary school), they are required to wear their school's uniform. Coloring your hair is forbidden, as is wearing earrings, jewelry and makeup. These rules loosen up when a young man enters college. This is their time to be free and "find themselves." But once they graduate college and enter the work force, the need to conform is stronger than ever.
And so, when you're interacting with a Japanese woman, don't ever make fun of the "conformist" nature of her society, or try to convince her to "go against the grain" and do what she wants with her life, regardless of what her friends and house might think. This won't score you any points. Although you might think Japan is a society of like-minded robots, afraid to think for themselves, it's also the speculate why it is such a very industrialized country with a high level of public harmony.
Unlike in the Western world, you don't see a lot of anxious, depressed citizen in Japan. By going along with the flow and doing what is unbelievable of them, Japanese citizen feel a sense of purpose and contentment.
Japanese women are commonly seeing to get married and play the "wife" role.
In Japan, women don't start seriously dating (or sleeping with distinct guys) until college. Due to the accurate nature of Japanese parents, they plainly don't get the chance to. Once they're in college, however, a lot of girls enter into a duration of liberation and experimentation. (You can have a lot of fun with Japanese college girls, if you have passage to them.)
Once they graduate from college and enter the workplace, the outlook of most Japanese women is that they will work until they get married. Then, they will decree into their domestic duties-managing the household and raising the kids. Most women will quit their jobs as soon as they find a husband, or after they come to be pregnant.
Although women have gained more proprietary over the years, the workplace in Japan is still very much a "man's world." Men commonly believe that women are powerful for basic desk work and not much else. There are few opportunities for women to expand in their careers, and if they were to climb the corporate ladder, the Japanese men in the business would feel threatened and not want to take orders from them.
For these reasons, even though there categorically are Japanese women who would like to have big-time careers, it's just not worth it for them to try to buck the system. Plus, they see the brutally long hours that the men have to work. A regular laborer is going to put in a 50 or 60-hour work week, easily, and that doesn't contain all of the "drinking meetings" they go to afterwards with their coworkers and boss.
As a Japanese man, you can't bow out of these after-work boozing sessions if you want to get ahead in the company. If a woman were to attend these sessions, she would probably be demeaned and harassed by her drunken male co-workers.
So the women figure, why bother with all that crap? They're seeing to land a good husband as soon as possible. After marriage, some women will work part-time jobs in fields that interest them. But trying to expand straight through the corporate ranks is incredibly difficult for them, if not impossible.
Japanese Women Have A "Ticking Clock"
In Japan, women are thought about "old" by the age of 30. It doesn't matter that modern medical technology enables women to have children well into their 40s. In Japanese society, there remains a very negative stigma for women who are in their 30s and still unmarried.
If you're seeing for a serious girlfriend or wife, the best age group to target are Japanese women in their late 20s. Chances are, they are hunting for a suitable man -- and they're going to judge you by your "marriage potential," rather than by your looks or anyone else.
Here is something else that is foremost to know: to Japanese women, marriage isn't necessarily about seeing "true love," or fulfilling your romantic destiny, or having the big, expensive fairy-tale wedding (which has come to be absurdly foremost for American women). It's more about two citizen who like each other deciding to make a commitment to each other and going straight through life together.
This doesn't sound as romantic as the Western ideal of marriage, where it's all about "true love" and "soul mates"-but then again, around 60% of marriages in the Western world fall apart. Lust doesn't last. Japanese citizen know this, and advent it in a more practical way.
For Japanese women in their late 20s, dating becomes a serious pursuit. They might ask you questions during a date that makes it feel like a job interview. Don't get freaked out by it. She's trying to decree whether you can financially withhold a house in the future; if you are loving and protective with your own family; and if you have the inherent to be a good husband and father.
If you're dating a Japanese Girls in this age range, she's sizing you up in terms of your husband/father potential-and if she's still hanging around with you after a few dates, it's because she thinks you have this potential. If she decides that you don't, she is likely to break off the association with no explanation.
Dating gorgeous Asian Women - How to effect With Japanese Girls