วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Classification and Naming of Acer Palmatum - Japanese Maples

At first the Latin names used in horticulture can seem to be a bit off putting and hard to remember. Don't worry! After a bit of custom the names will come more certainly to you! Honestly!

'Acer' (pronounced Ay-Sir) is the Genus of plants known ordinarily as maples. Of all the maple species, the Japanese maple (known by its botanical name as Acer palmatum) is the most variable. It is this variability that we enjoy so much in these much admired trees.

Japanese School Girls

There are three basic sub-species of Acer palmatum. These are: amoenum, matsumurae and palmatum. The word 'palmatum' (pronounced Pal-Mate-Um) comes from the root word Palmate or palm-like, meaning the leaf looks like the palm of your hand with fingers.

Unnamed red leaved maples sometimes have the generic name Acer palmatum atropurpureum. 'Atropurpureum' refers to the red leaf form. Split leaf or cut leaf Japanese maples are referred to as: Acer palmatum dissectum or Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum for the red cutleaf form. Dissectum (pronounced Die-Seck-Tum) simply describes the leaves as being dissected or split (cut) into a fine filigree form.

Naming of particular Japanese maple tree cultivars (cultivar = a distinctive plant maintained by cultivation) follows the rules of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants. Cultivar names should all the time be written in roman type with particular 'quote' marks after the species name. For example: Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki' or Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Crimson queen'.

When you are finding to buy an Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) tree you will need to riposte the following questions:

What color leaf do you want? Red, green or variegated? What sort of leaf shape would you like? regular 5-, 7- or 9-pointed leaf or the cutleaf type? How high do you want to tree to grow? Less than 6 feet tall? 6 to 12 feet tall? Over 12 feet tall? Is the tree going to be planted in full sun, partial sun or mainly in the shade?

From the riposte to these questions we can progressively do a "Sherlock Holmes" investigation and eliminate particular named cultivars that do not fit the criteria selected.

For the rest of us, just plain old Japanese maple tree will do!

Examples of popular green leaf Japanese maples cultvars are: Oskazuki, Sango kaku, Shishigashira.
Examples of popular red leaf Japanese maples cultvars are: Bloodgood, Bonfire, Red emperor, Shaina.
Examples of popular green cutleaf Japanese maples cultvars are: Viridis and Waterfall.
Examples of popular red cutleaf Japanese maples cultivars are: Crimson queen, Garnet, Inaba shidare, Orangeola and Red dragon.

Classification and Naming of Acer Palmatum - Japanese Maples

