วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Softball Cheers

Several hundreds of softball cheers are available online that can raise the spirits of softball players. The word "cheer" means to give encouragement to someone. It can also mean showing approval or wishing good luck by shouting, and cheerfulness is the quality of being happy and dispelling gloom.

Some nice examples of softball cheers are:

Japanese School Girls

"Potato chips, potato chips, munch, munch, munch. We think (opponent's team name) is a superior fine bunch!"

"Two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate? (Opponent's team name)"

"You gotta want it, to win it, and we want it more!"

"Two pence, four pence, six pence, a dollar. All for the (team name), stand up and holler!"

"When you're up, you're up, when you're down, you're down, when you're up against our team, you're upside down!"

"(Teammate's name twice), she's our star, she can hit it superior far, put a bat in her hands, she can hit it to Japan!"

"Swing that bat and bust that ball honey, honey, swing that bat bust that ball babe, babe, swing that bat and bust that ball round those bases yehaw, honey oh babe oh my!"

"Five, four, three, two, we're estimate one, can't be estimate two, we're gonna beat the whoopsies outta you! Don't feel sad, don't feel blue, we'll let you be estimate two!"

"You seen it, now hit it, go, go and get it, you seen it, now hit it, come on (name), get wit it!"

"(Player name), you're the one (repeat), hit that ball and run, run, run, nearby the bases you shall go, first, second, third and home"

"You the one, you the one, you the one, you the one, say what, say what, say what, you the one, you the one, you the one, you the one, the one, the only one!"

"R-I-P-I-T, rip it for me baby, rip it (clap 4 times), (repeat)."

These softball cheers are from the "Rancho Trabuco Girls Softball relationship (Rtgsa)" website, but any others also have a nice collection of softball cheers. These above mentioned cheers and many others could truly be an exquisite source of enjoyment, and encouragement.

Softball Cheers

