Hello Kitty is a cartoon character produced by a Japanese business called Sanrio. The first product, designed by Ikuko Shimizu, was a vinyl purse introduces for the first time in Japan, in the year 1974, and in the United States in 1976. Hello Kitty is a cute female white cat, has a red bow and no drawn mouth. She has a twin sister and they both live with their parents in London.
Since Hello Kitty was first created, a line of dissimilar products were made with her face and name. We can find Hello Kitty coloring pages, stickers, greeting cards, pillows, accessories ( purses, key chains and others ), clothes, dishes, home appliances, school supplies, book and many more.
Japanese School Girls
She also has a Tv series that airs in Japan on Tv Tokyo and on Cbs in the United States. We can also find video games with this beloved cartoon character.
A Hello Kitty coloring page is most beloved with kids in roughly every country of the world. There can also be Hello Kitty coloring sheets that can be used at school, in the first years, with a teaching purpose. They record Hello Kitty in all sorts of stories, along with her friends and family. Any Hello Kitty book can be bought of the internet along with many more products from the same line. Her books gift her in a lot of adventures that she has with her friends and house and can even be used to show dinky kids, that somewhat idolize her, how to behave and what they should and shouldn't do.
Hello Kitty coloring pages can also be used to make up comic books. Even though she is a cartoon, we can find clothes with her face even for grown-ups. T-shirts, pajamas and others like that are beloved with girls from around the world. Using Hello Kitty in anything, such as games, pictures and so on, for commercialization, is forbidden, as it happens with most brands.
Hello Kitty has even her own album, called "Hello World", featuring songs performed by many artists. Sanrio and Fender even released a line of Hello Kitty guitars and a jet airplane. We can say that along Pucca, someone else beloved Japanese cartoon character, Hello Kitty is even more beloved and more known that a lot of live artist or leading people. It is a good example of globalization along with names like McDonalds, Coca-Cola and other like that.
Best Hello Kitty Coloring Sheets