Piano Covers Talent Show. Piano Comedy. (High School Sophomores 2008). High School Talent Show! Asians playing piano duet. We be high school comedians. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This show WAS ranked. We took 2nd place. (First place was a 7 person senior band+acting.) SONGS (0:26-0:49)Chopsticks - Will (0:50-1:22)Misery Business - Will (1:25-1:44)Apologize - tori (1:47-2:02)Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Will (2:05-2:14)A Thousand Miles - tori (2:21-2:51)Eye of The Tiger - Will (2:55-3:12)Hey There Delilah - tori (3:13-3:17)Beethoven's 5th (3:17-3:32)The Great Escape - Will (3:37-3:50)100 Years - tori (3:51-4:19Barbie Girl - Will (4:18-4:23)Nokia Ringtone - tori (4:35-5:24)What I've Done - both (5:25-6:44)Numa Numa -both (6:50-7:49)Pokemon Theme Song - both (8:19-8:29)Linus and Lucy - WIll Thanks to my brother for filming! Personal Account + Piano Lessons www.youtube.com Sheet Music Links on Myspace www.myspace.com www.twitter.com
Tags: Talent, Show, High, School, Piano, Cover, Backwards, Epic, Battle, Kentwoods, Got, Kentwood, Duet, Pop, Medley, By, Asians, Asia, Asian, Classical, Comedy, Comedian, Victor, Borge, Act, Variety, Paramore, Timbaland, One, Republic, Vanessa, Greenday, Plain, White, Tees, Aqua, Boys, Like, Girls, Five, for, Fighting, Charlie, Brown, Numa, iwillbot, lol, rofl, haha, funny, bored, video, music, rock, alternative, hip, hop, dance, me, singing, Tori, Will, 2010, KW, Musicomedy, Britain, England, America, Simon, Vidfair, Networks